Yoga Therapy: What is it, and What Can it Help With?
Everyone knows yoga can be beneficial for one’s mental, physical, and spiritual health. But the question every yogi has is, just how helpful can yoga be for treating various illnesses and ailments?
Yoga therapy is a natural and often-practiced form of physical and psychological treatment. While it is not intended to treat or cure any illnesses, it has been shown to help as a part of a larger treatment plan for various illnesses.
Keep reading to learn how yoga therapy can be beneficial in treating a handful of common illnesses.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes a wide range of symptoms which occur between ovulation and the menstrual period. PMS can consist of various symptoms, from mood swings and acne to weight gain and fatigue. While it’s not considered an illness per se, most women worldwide suffer from the symptoms, and many seek relief through practicing yoga. Many experts believe the root cause of PMS symptoms are result of hormonal imbalance during this time, and yoga can bring the body’s hormones, neurotransmitters, metabolism, and energy back into balance.
Along the same lines as PMS symptoms, menopause causes various symptoms, from mood swings to hot flashes and more, experienced when women reach middle age. This change and the symptoms are caused by hormones, and yoga has been known to aid with this transition.
Osteoporosis and arthritis
A 2009 study found that yoga can increase bone density if done consistently. Yoga also improves balance and flexibility, preventing falls and injuries that can be serious for someone with these bone and joint ailments.
Body aches
Yoga asanas are known to help release tension and stress in the body, helping relieve headaches and body aches. Practiced in a quiet, peaceful environment with dim lights and soothing music, yoga can be even more helpful.
Insomnia, depression, and anxiety
Yoga’s regulating and energizing properties can help alleviate many of the symptoms of mild depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Though these are complex issues that require medical attention, yoga can be useful as a part of a holistic treatment plan.
Finally, while it may seem contradictory that yoga can induce sleep and relieve fatigue, it’s true! Most forms of exercise, yoga included, have been shown to boost one’s energy during the day and improve one’s sleep at night.