What To Look For When Choosing A Yoga Mat
Choosing a yoga mat is actually much more important than one would think. We all have different needs when it comes to exercising, whether it be extra support or texture, and these are all things that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a yoga mat. You have to find out what feels best for you. Maybe that’s a very thick mat with no ‘stickiness” or it’s a certain textured mat with barely any padding. Below I will list certain things that you should think about before purchasing a yoga mat to make your experience as comfortable as possible!
Choosing between different thicknesses for a yoga mat is sort of like choosing a firm or soft mattress. There are several different mat thicknesses, from 1.59 mm being very thin, to 6.35 mm thick. The standard thickness of a yoga mat is usually 3.18 mm, but that is subject to change when you take into consideration weight and level of experience. Some advantages of having a thick yoga mat can include support for joints, knees, and other body parts, padding for outdoor yoga, and is very useful when practicing restorative and gentle yoga. Some advantages to having a thin mat include a studier foundation for balance, and provide a closer connection to the earth if that is something that one desires.
Texture in a yoga mat includes stickiness to prevent slipping and possible injury, as well as the material of the mat: plastic, latex, organic cotton, etc. You can make some of these decisions based off of eco-friendliness if that is important to you. Some mats have small bumps on them to prevent from slipping when you get a little sweaty, and for some that can be a deal breaker. Do you like a softer mat or a stickier one? Smoother or more rough? Depending on your yoga style, some mats can be more useful to you than others. Yoga focusing on balance, for example, might lead you to want a stickier mat in case you lose your balance. But if you intend to do more poses on the floor, you might consider a softer and smoother surface for your comfort.
Price Range
A little bit different than the other two groups, but this is still a very important aspect to consider for most. Depending on what mat you want, the price range can vary a decent amount. The more eco friendly choices such as organic cotton mats or jute can be a little more expensive, prices ranging from $30-$60 in some places, while plastic or rubber yoga mats may only cost around $15 in some places. Ultimately, it is up to you how much you’re willing to spend on a yoga mat and how much you care about your impact on the environment.
Now that you know what to look into before buying yourself a yoga mat, I hope that your search is much less daunting and much easier. Good luck on your journey!