Enhance Your Posing with Yoga Blocks and Bricks

There are many props you can choose to use when you want to enhance your yoga. One of the more common props to use are yoga blocks and bricks. Yoga blocks are generally thinner than bricks and are used for seated support. Yoga bricks are used more in positions where you need balance and more support.

The blocks can be made of bamboo, foam, cork or wood, and whatever material you choose is your preference. Foam yoga blocks and bricks are generally lighter in weight and can come in a variety of fun colors. Cork is natural and has antimicrobial properties, while also providing you great grip. For an eco-friendly, more squishy version, you can try using yoga blocks and bricks made out of a recycled chip foam.

Yoga blocks and bricks are used as an extension of your arms, but can also work to help settle your body into a pose for better alignment by supporting your back, head, and hips. Yoga blocks and bricks can also:

  • Give you a wider range of motion by “bringing the floor closer to you”
  • Help establish correct body alignment
  • Make yoga more accessible to beginners or those who have experienced an injury or any physical limitations
  • Properly support and engage muscles in your posing
  • Accomodate more or less support by being placed at low, medium, and high positions

The following four poses are great examples of how using yoga blocks and bricks in your routine can enhance your flexibility.

Hero’s Pose

When you’re engaged in the Hero’s Pose for seated meditation, place the brick between your shins. By lifting your hips higher than the level of your knees, you’re reducing stress put onto your knees and helping to eliminate discomfort. This makes it easier to reap the benefits of sitting in this position by still allowing you to stretch your feet, ankles, and thighs.

Half-moon Pose

Using the yoga block for balance in the half-moon pose will shorten the distance between the floor and your hand. This makes it easier to lift your torso and keep your upper body in alignment. As you’re using the block for balance, you can slowly open your hips for strong legs, knees, and ankles.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

When performing the reclining bound angle pose to open your hips, you may feel a pulling sensation if your hips, groin, and inner thighs are tight. Using the supportive blocks under your legs will help your inner thighs and hips stretch with ease.

Fish Pose

The majority of our daily activities and the act of slouching can pull your arms and shoulders forward, creating misalignment. Using the yoga block when performing the fish pose to “open your heart”, will help expand your torso and rib cage. When opening your shoulders, chest, neck, and abs, you’re creating more space to allow for breathing more deeply.

Whether you’re standing or seated and the tightness is in your hips or your shoulders, adding yoga blocks and bricks to your routine can be beneficial for even the most advanced yogi.

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