Creating a Yoga Space at Home

During these trying times, it is important to take a moment to ourselves; away from screaming kids, the latest news cycle, and the droning stock market commentators. Creating a peaceful and quiet corner that you can call your own is a perfect way to catch a breather during your hectic schedule and the busy world around you, and here’s how. 

The first, most important, and probably most obvious step, is to pick your area and clean it up. For some that might be the living room, or maybe a bedroom corner. Cleaning your nook is important for not only your safety, but peace of mind. By purging your corner of any squeaky dog toys or the never-ending children’s knick-knacks, you are giving yourself a blank slate to begin your yoga journey in the comfort of your home. 

After cleaning a nice little space for yourself, it’s time to put down your yoga mat and any additional equipment you have, such as blocks and straps. Fill up a favorite water bottle and put it to the side. And if you’re feeling up to it, add a lemon wedge!

It is also vital to arrange lighting that makes you feel the most comfortable. If you prefer natural light, then consider setting up near a window; however, if you prefer a more lively approach, you can invest in multicolor fairy lights. And if you like more artificial lighting, then you can even get a spotlight!

Choosing optimal lighting is just the first step to setting up the perfect yoga space for you. Next comes decoration. Going about decorating yourself a corner can be fun, if you know how to do it. Adding essential oils and candles to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere works for some, but not all. Go to your neighborhood boutique and pick up some wall art, or you can even try thrifting for unique and cheap accessories for your new hobby.

It might seem pointless, but it is also imperative to get into the right mindset before starting this journey. Setting up your perfect corner and accessorizing can only get you so far! To ensure those new mats and candles don’t just collect dust, you must make a commitment to yourself that all your hard work won’t go to waste. Set attainable goals for yourself, starting off easy and working your way up. For example, making sure you practice yoga three times a week for half an hour each time is a good starting point for most. You can either do this by watching follow-along yoga videos on youtube or twitch, attending live zoom classes, or even make it up as you go! If you’re going to go about it on your own it’s important to teach yourself some simple poses and movements that work best for you. There are also hundreds of yoga practices, and it would benefit you greatly to do some research on what works best for you. For some, it’s Restorative Yoga, and for others, it’s Bikram. We all start somewhere in our yoga journey. Don’t be afraid to try new things and have fun learning along the way!

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