Classic Yoga Poses
We’ve covered difficult yoga poses and easy ones. We’ve talked about new yoga and old. Traditional v Modern, etc.. But today we’re going back to the basics. I thought it would be fun to go over some classic yoga poses, whether they’re well known or not, and give a little description and direction for each of them. Below is a list of 3 classic yoga poses that you can try on your own, with a friend, in a class, or anywhere you feel.
I know, a mouthful. Coming from Sanskrit meaning “seat” or “posture” this pose is exactly that. Sitting cross legged on the ground, bring one heel to lay in the crevice of the opposite leg, and do the same with the other foot. Although slightly uncomfortable when you first try this, it’s actually a very calming and relaxing pose, which is why so many choose to meditate in it. Some more interesting information about Svastikasana, it comes from the Hatha practice and in the Hindu religion is a symbol of good wealth and fortune.
Virasana is the Sanskrit word for “hero” which is very fitting for the english title that it was given, “hero’s pose.” Start off in a kneeling position with your knees folded underneath you. Then slowly lay down until your back rests on the ground below you, with your legs still folded under you on either side of your body. This is not something that you will get on the first try unless you are a very flexible person, but don’t let this stop you! After all, practice makes perfect; try going a little but further every day until you can do the pose correctly without hurting yourself. Doing this pose gives you a nice stretch in your thighs, knees, and ankles, and is known for improving digestion.
You might not believe this, but I’m almost certain that you’ve already done this pose before without knowing. How? Well, it was probably under a different name. Does Butterfly Pose ring any bells? If not, that’s ok too, because you’re about to learn all about it. Bhadrasana in Sanskrit (seeing a pattern yet) means “throne” or better yet “posture of the throne.” Sit similarly to how you did for Svastikasana in the beginning, but instead of crossing your legs over one another, bend your knees and keep the bottoms of your feet flat against each other, with your thighs and knees as flat to the floor as you can. This pose is great for strengthening your backbone, thighs, and hips, as well as activating your root chakra for those who practice this, and is a great meditation pose that’s a little easier than Svastikasana for some. Lay your hands on your knees or feet and apply pressure if needed.
Now that you know a few more classic yoga poses, what they mean, and how to do them, you should have no problem trying them at home! If you prefer to practice in a class, don’t fear, these poses are common knowledge in the yoga community and won’t be too hard to find. Good luck on your yoga journey!